Cllr Cherry Beath

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Visit to MoD Foxhill Site

by on 11 June, 2013

                     Our Recent Tour of The Site 

MoD Site Block A Tour June 13

The Ministry of defence were in Bath for more than 70 years.  Yet few local people, apart from those who worked there ever went into MoD Foxhill, a secure area enclosed by 3 metre high fences.  The area, a community within a community, remained a mystery to most.  Cherry and I visited the site with the Chair of the Council, Cllr Neil Butters, a group of councillors, and officers from Curo and from the Council.  Local resident, former MoD employee and local photographer Robert Coles, accompanied the group.

MoD Site our June '13 The first thing that struck us all is the size of the site.  At 19 hectares it seems massive and is a similar size to Royal Victoria Park.  All the buildings on site at present are one or two stories in height, but there is plenty of screening with trees on the northern edge of the site, so higher buildings should be possible, however the Bath skyline will remain a concern in any development.  Robert was able to give us information about which department occupied which building when he worked there.

 One of our biggest concerns is how the new development of around 700 homes can integrate with surrounding dwellings such as the Foxhill estate, Stonehouse Lane and Close, Trinity Road and Priory Close.  There will also be some huge transport issues that will need innovative solutions.  Curo, formerly Somer Housing, who now own the site are anxious to get the views of local people about how the site should be developed and to ensure that the development meets as far as possible the aspirations of surrounding residents and people who will live on the site in future.

 Cherry and I have arranged a meeting for all interested local people in Combe Down School Hall this Thursday 13th June from 6.30pm to 8pm, so that Curo can give local people an update on progress to date and for people to ask questions and make suggestions about the development.

 The B&NES concept statement for the site, made in partnership with the MoD and Homes and Communities Agency can be found at

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