and the Combe Down Liberal Democrat Team Learn more
by on 22 November, 2012
INformation here below from the Council re the danger of floods in the area. Let us know of any particular concerns in our area.
The forecast is for bands of very heavy rain and strong winds to move across the Bath & North East Somerset area during the afternoon and evening. This is likely to cause further disruption to the highways network, trees and branches could be brought down and there could be further flooding especially close to rivers and water courses
Bath & North East Somerset Council has asked Parish Councils to prepare village halls as emergency reception centres in case of flooding or damage to properties. Residents or traders who believe they are in danger of their properties being flooded are urged to evacuate early – whilst it is still safe to do so. Do not wait until the last minute.
Highways crews and Inspectors will be out throughout the bad weather dealing with the problem areas but members of the public are being asked to:
· Where possible to avoid unnecessary journeys
· Plan their routes to avoid areas that have traditionally been flooded or are close to water courses
· To drive carefully and consider other road users especially when using water logged roads and to avoid parking close to water courses
· Not to drive or walk into flood water as this could be dangerous
Re. our car parks. Bath Hill East Car Park is likely to be flooded. That is the car park by the river in Keynsham.
Members of the public should also avoid going to look at flooded areas as this can disrupt the efforts of the emergency services. The emergency services anticipate being fully stretched and will be responding to priority calls.
Anybody that is concerned about potential flooding should contact 01225 394041. The public should only make a 999 calls if absolutely necessary.
Further information will be available on the Environment Agency website
or via the Council website or via twitter at or by following us at @bathnes on twitter
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