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by on 23 November, 2012
Post by Cherry Beath
Following widespread flooding across the area overnight, and the forecast of more bad weather over the weekend, we urge residents to take care in the current conditions.
Although there is cautious optimism that the worst of the weather has passed for today (ahead of the weekend forecast) the same important safety advice still applies as in the advice posted yesterday on our site.:
The local situation on the roads
The Council’s highway engineers have worked during the night to keep the majority of roads open. River levels were expected to peak in Bath at about 11am this morning.
The Chew Valley has been particularly difficult this morning all drivers are asked to plan their routes to avoid the area if at all possible. The A37 Hursley Hill, B3130 and A368 have now been re-opened. The Council’s sweepers and gully cleaners are in the Chew Valley today dealing with all the worst areas on a priority basis.
There has been a landslide at Upper Camden Crescent, in Lansdown, Bath, highways engineers are in attendance. All drivers should avoid the area.
The Shallows in Saltford is closed due to a fallen tree. The Council’s Highways team is dealing with it. All drivers should avoid the area.
A tree has become entangled in telephone wires at Harptree Hill, West Harptree. BT engineers are in attendance. All drivers should avoid the area.
All other main routes are currently open and most people will be able to complete their journeys with care. However there is a lot of debris blown down by the high winds and a great deal of standing water on many of the minor routes which will cause congestion and delays. There are a number of abandoned cars on the network which will significantly add to the problems this morning and people should give themselves extra time to travel to their destination.
Anybody that is concerned about potential flooding should contact 01225 394041. The public should only make 999 calls if absolutely necessary.
Effects on other Council services
Motorists who use Bath Hill East Car Park by the river in Keynsham are warned that the car park still has the potential to become flooded. The extra Park and Ride site (service 31R) at Bath Racecourse will not be operating on Saturday 24 November due to the ground conditions. All other Park and Ride Services are functioning as normal.
Bath Sports Centre remains fully open but the car park is closed.
Further flooding information will be available on the Environment Agency website or via the Council website or by following us at @bathnes on Twitter. Anybody that feels they are likely to be flooded or are now flooded can also find out more by clicking on
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