Cllr Cherry Beath

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Reminder of The Conservative “Foxhill Charter”

by on 7 February, 2017

img_1404Foxhill redevelopment –  The master outline Plans for the proposed Foxhill Regeneration are still under discussion between Planning Officers and Curo.

I will write up where they are on this, but firstly you will remember The Tory Administration adopted their “Foxhill Charter” Document some months ago, which is the predecessor to the current submitted Planning

Cherry challenged the Cabinet at that time, and made the following points:
We are as a council well aware of the need overall for more housing, there is a shortage in the country, particularly of really affordable, social housing of which the latter is in danger of diminishing altogether in supply, by the policies of the Conservative Government.

The Foxhill Charter document adopted by the Tory Council Cabinet has little real detail in it. It does make references to important issues of density, placemaking guidelines and heights. I am not against height in some areas, but it needs to blend in with the surrounding collection of homes and apartments, in a way that is conducive to healthy living, and balanced communities,  with outside space, gardens and balconies and so on.
I cannot support Compulsory purchase of homes, which this Conservative Council is contemplating. I believe that in the case of homeowners who are against selling their homes, plans to go around  should be looked.

Foxhill is an existing great neighbourhood. A great deal of sensitivity must be employed in going forward on the detail of development and decisions by cabinet and I urge the need to be as flexible as possible with regard to affected home owners and respect their wishes, some of whom are facing living in a very uncomfortable uncertain position for a number of years.
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